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måndag 17 februari 2014

Att anpassa verkligheten efter lagen

När man inte är nöjd med lagens ord får man anpassa verkligheten efter lagens ordalydelse. Så får man tolka efterlevnaden av förbudet mot "assault style" vapen i bland annat NY. Tänk M16 /AR15 så förstår du vilken typ av vapen som man försöker få bort. Detta har fått intressanta effekter, inte minst i fråga om ny design på eftermarknadsprodukter vilka gör vapnen lagliga igen:
 I Times Union kan man läsa:
It might be the most divisive element of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's NY SAFE Act: an expanded ban on what the administration terms "assault-style" weapons, such as the Vietnam-era AR-15s that are wildly popular with gun enthusiasts.
But the ban is proving to be less than total. Gun dealers, with the help of machine shops and gunsmiths, are on the cusp of offering what they call NY SAFE-compliant AR-15s and other military-style rifles.
Prototypes for the new rifles have been on display at gun shops from western New York to the Adirondacks in recent weeks. And now a lawyer representing one shop says he has gotten what amounts to an OK from the state, in the form of a letter from a State Police lawyer confirming that AR-15-style guns should be legal as long as they lack the characteristics prohibited by the law.
"It's basically an AR-15 without the features," said James Tresmond, a western New York lawyer representing H&H Firearms, a Lackawanna gun shop that's seeking to sell such a rifle.
"People are champing at the bit" for the modified rifle, said Justin Reickart, who with his wife operates H&H.
He aims to offer an AR-15-style rifle with the pistol grip permanently removed, and without banned accessories such as a folding stock, a flash suppressor or a bayonet lug.
Thanks to modifications by a Texas-based machine shop, the stripped-down rifle has an adapter that connects the spot where the grip would go to the stock, or portion of the rifle that the shooter braces against her shoulder.
A prototype of the rifle looks almost indistinguishable from the totemic AR-15 except for the stock.
"It looks like a paintball gun," Reickart joked.
It retains the semi-automatic capability possessed by any standard AR-15, meaning one can simply pull the trigger for each shot rather than having to work a bolt action or lever each time.
And it uses the same .223 cartridge as its military cousin.
Salespeople are showing a similar prototype rifle to customers at The Gun Shop at MacGregor's in Lake Luzerne.
Salesman Ed Proctor said shooting enthusiasts who patronize the store, including a few state troopers, say they're interested in buying the modified weapons.
Vore det inte bättre att skriva smarta och förståeliga lagar vars intention folk kan tänka sig att efterleva. Dagens regelverk kring vapen i sverige lever inte riktigt upp till detta. Det finns fullt med tankevurpor i resonemangen, några pekas ut i denna blogpost.

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