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onsdag 29 februari 2012

Kanada skippar licenskrav på gevär

Kanada är vapentätt, nästan lika vapentätt som USA. Men med en brottslighet som ligger ungefär i nivå med den in Sverige. Där har nu en lagändring antagits, vilken innebär att vapenregistret för gevär skrotas. Legala vapen används helt enkelt så oerhört sällan i våldsbrott att det är meningslöst att registerföra dem är resonemanget. Lite annorlunda än i Sverige med andra ord. Ett stycke ur en artikel i ämnet:

The statistics speak for themselves. From 2003 to 2009, there were 4,257 homicides in Canada, 1,314 of which were committed with firearms. Data provided last fall by the Library of Parliament reveals that the weapon was identified in fewer than a third of the homicides with firearms, and that about three-quarters of the identified weapons were not registered. Of the weapons that were registered, about half were registered to someone other than the person accused of the homicide. In just 62 cases — that is, only 4.7 percent of all firearm homicides — was the gun registered to the accused. As most homicides in Canada are not committed with a gun, the 62 cases correspond to only about 1 percent of all homicides.

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